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Synagogue funds, Rabbi's discretionary funds, education funds, youth funds,
and many other options to help NSJC. Thank you!
Armed Security Fund:
Provides armed security guards during services and religious school.
Security Upgrade Fund:
Provides monies for security upgrades to our facilities
Synagogue Fund:
Allows for funding of unanticipated expenses throughout the year. We kindly suggest a donation to this fund if you are uncertain to which other fund to contribute to.
Building Fund:
Pays the cost of synagogue building repairs, upkeep and previous renovations.
Capital Campaign and Endowment Fund:
Assures the congregation’s future with donations of cash, insurance, property, trusts and bequests for immediate (Capital Campaign) and future (Endowment Fund) use.
Holocaust Memorial:
NSJC Will Never Forget. A plaque on the Memorial Board in our sanctuary is an opportunity to contribute toward Yom Hashoah programming. ($118)
Kiddush Fund:
Subsidizes oneg Shabbatot on Friday evenings, kiddushim on Saturday mornings and holidays to enhance the religious life of the congregation.
Memorial Plaques:
A plaque on the Memorial Board in our sanctuary is an enduring memorial tribute for your loved one. ($700)
Prayer Book and Bible Fund:
Underwrites the cost of repairing and replacing bibles( $75), prayer books ($36) and sanctuary items.
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund:
Provides assistance to families and children in financial need, funding to worldwide organizations, need-based tuition scholarships and support of activities of Conservative Judaism.
Rebbe’s Tish:
Supports our food pantry program that helps feed the hungry in our local community.
Tree of Life:
For simchas only. A leaf on the tree is an opportunity to honor a loved one, commemorate a milestone or is the perfect memento for a bar or bat mitzvah, wedding, birth or any joyous occasion. (Leaves: Bronze $360, Silver $540, Gold $720)
Library Fund:
Helps purchase new volumes for the library’s general collection and specific additions to various special collections.
Cantor Martin Ehrlich Memorial Scholarship Fund:
Provides awards to youth who wish to study in Israel.
Patrons of Education Fund:
Provides enrichment programming and services to our Religious School and Hebrew High School.
Lustig Family Fund:
Offers scholarship grants for teens to participate in the Ramah Summer Encampment program.
Education Scholarship Fund:
Offers need-based Religious School scholarship awards.
Jesse Becker Memorial Fund:
Provides need-based scholarship support for Religious School and Youth Programming.
Religious School Fund:
Subsidizes purchases as needed including materials, special events and trips in the Religious School.
Shoah Memorial Fund:
Assures our commitment to Holocaust education through special programming and ongoing community participation.
Elaine Silverman Memorial Education Scholarship Fund:
Provides need based religious school tuition scholarships for children in grades Gan, Aleph or Bet.
Jeffrey Warshaw Memorial Fund:
Provides subsidies to young members active in our Youth Group program.
Joyce Baxt Memorial Fund:
Provides subsidies to young members active in our Youth Group program.
Marlene Freed Memorial Fund:
Provides awards to youth who wish to study in Israel.
Youth Fund:
Provides need-based support for children and teens to participate in Youth Group activities; also underwrites the cost of special youth programming.
Deborah Ilysse Siegel Hamburger Memorial Fund:
Provides need-based scholarship awards to members of NSJC USY or Kadima for USY Summer Encampment program.